Daily Dose 9/26/2017

“We  need to participate in democracy in between elections by building powerful social movements that hold our elected officials accountable and put the needs of our communities front and center. Fighting to win real change means growing movements person by person and community by community. We have to build power by building a robust base of members; developing and supporting leaders; forming and supporting coalitions; and waging strategic campaigns to win real change,”

-M. Dove Kent in How Our Fear can be Turned into a Powerful Movement

Daily Dose 9/21

“Dr. King reminds us, too often ‘wait means never,’  and your journey [to becoming ‘woke’] may cost someone their citizenship, their religious freedom, or their life … it is your responsibility to know, see, and urgently help dismantle a supremacy that creates winners and losers through complicated, shrouded rules built on a basic desire to preserve power,”

-Brittany Packnett in White People: What is Your Plan for the Trump Presidency?